Thursday, March 10, 2011

What A Night :)

It had been such a long time that there is a person who is able to analyze me, perhaps I always thought that my buddy is the one who knows me more than others do.
Whenever I talked about something,she is the one who is able to figure out what is actually on my mind and deep inside my heart.I do appreciate her and feel very comfortable when talking to her because she knows my personalities ,she knows what I am going to say next,she knows the things even I dint speak out and ...
I know her :)

Well, tonight, unexpectedly, I am talking as well as listening to a person, so-called "uncle Seng"? hah! He is trying to analyze my personalities, ops, he is correct most of the time and make me impressed :) Since when I have never been so excited to listen to a person talking about me, listing out my strengths and weaknesses.
OK you may think that I am not so understand about myself, yea, I admit that, something in myself I think that I not yet discovered.:D

even that he listed out.. in fact, i not very close to him, yet he is able to see lots of things in mine, by analyzing me with some personalities test. Impressive,heeeeeeeeee :D

Summarize what he told me : 执着但不固执、要求完美但不太过挑剔、相信理想
Train to be a potential people. I am my weaknesses, I am suck in time management, I have a bad temper perhaps? yeah,lots and lots things need to be done to improve self and prepare self to a better level.
Agree, there are lots things you have to learn to be better, yet with limited time, you have to make a brilliant decision.

Personalities test, ENTP ( extroverted intuition with introverted thinking) to what extent this is true about me? Knowing self in details is helpful for every one of us to develop our hidden potentials in future.

Have a great talk with him, discover lots interesting for me to discover in future, well, he,of course not the same level as my buddy la, he is just an experienced "uncle" who knows lots stuffs, hahaha :D
but anyway, thank you for the chat :)
will start to think,what is my ambition actually? or ambitionS perhaps? What I would like to achieve in future? and Who will I be? great questions to ponder, and it is time for us to figure out our future :)
o yea, add in something, he plans to engage on 12.12.12,hah! very excited hearing that someone has the same wish as me, the difference between he and I is, he will be able to achieve it {as he is already "uncle" :P} and I am just dreaming and kidding with my fellow friends, because 12.12.12 very nice date what! :D
anyway, all the best for him la~! :)

生活中,总是要有一些些的悬、一些些的惊喜、一些些的出人意表,才会显得有趣好玩!不安理出牌,也挺惊喜的! say cheeseeeee :D

read this news today :人力资源部数据显示,我国待业人士找工作太挑剔,全国失业人数目前有39万1千200人.
391200++ people are unemployed nowadays, fresh graduate=face unemployment?

What you have to compete with others? why must the companies take you but not others? time to ponder :)

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